

A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2023-2024



Előadás: 28 Óra

Gyakorlat: 0 Óra

Szeminárium: 0 Óra

Összesen: 28 Óra


  • Kód: OTF-GFK-T
  • 2 Kredit
  • Biotechnology BSc
  • Optional modul
  • spring

OTN-INOC-T completed , OTN-ORGC-T completed

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 3 fő – max. 20 fő


The main objective of this course is to expand the knowledge in phyisico-chemical characterization of drug molecules and drug targets for better understanding the drug action.


  • 1. Molecular bases of biological actions. Structural characteristics of drug targets. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 2. Molecular bases of biological actions. Structural characteristics of drug targets. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 3. Receptors as drug targets. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 4. Receptors as drug targets. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 5. Enzymes as drug targets. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 6. Enzymes as drug targets. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 7. Transporters and ion channels as drug targets. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 8. Transporters and ion channels as drug targets. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 9. Nucleic acids as drug targets. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 10. Nucleic acids as drug targets. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 11. Physicochemical properties of drug-drug target interactions. Intermolecular bonding. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 12. Physicochemical properties of drug-drug target interactions. Intermolecular bonding. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 13. Physicochemical properties of drug-drug target interactions. Affinity. Efficiency and selectivity. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 14. Physicochemical properties of drug-drug target interactions. Affinity. Efficiency and selectivity. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 15. Physicochemical properties of drug-drug target interactions. Stucture, stereochemistry. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 16. Physicochemical properties of drug-drug target interactions. Stucture, stereochemistry. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 17. Physicochemical characteristics of drugs. Solubility. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 18. Physicochemical characteristics of drugs. Solubility. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 19. Physicochemical characteristics of drugs. Acid-base properties. Relevance and determination of the pKa value. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 20. Physicochemical characteristics of drugs. Acid-base properties. Relevance and determination of the pKa value. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 21. Physicochemical characteristics of drugs. Lipophilicity and partition coefficient. Determination of partition coefficients. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 22. Physicochemical characteristics of drugs. Lipophilicity and partition coefficient. Determination of partition coefficients. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 23. Physicochemical characteristics of drugs. Permeability. Experimental methods to determine permeability. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 24. Physicochemical characteristics of drugs. Permeability. Experimental methods to determine permeability. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 25. In silico ADME modelling. In vitro and in vivo tests. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 26. In silico ADME modelling. In vitro and in vivo tests. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 27. Physicochemical characteristics of drugs. Metabolic stability. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 28. Physicochemical characteristics of drugs. Metabolic stability. - Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna



A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom


Saját oktatási anyag

PPT slides of the lectures


Zsuzsanna Rozmer, Pál Perjési: The physico-chemical bases of drug actions. PTE, 2015.

Ajánlott irodalom


A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Maximum of 15 % absence allowed

Félévközi ellenőrzések

Written test.

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei



Topics of the written tests are set by the course director.


Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Dr. Rozmer Zsuzsanna