3rd Grand Medschool Stair Run

The stair run was held for the third time as part of the YourLife@AOK health program, where nearly 80 competitors measured themselves. We would like to congratulate all participants for making it this far.

We hope that they will choose the stairs instead of the elevator more often in the future, because according to the experts, taking the stairs is very good for the heart, and you can burn more calories with it than, for example, jogging.

Our winners, by category:

Fastest individual (male-female):


I. Helen Maier 26.25 sec

II. Sümegi Kincső 26.91 sec

III. Gerda Gazsó 26.97 sec


I. Mohammad Nizam Uddin Aman 19.72 sec

II. Vincent Nölle 19.90 sec

III. Kristóf Erat 20.50 sec

The prizes (female/male):

  • 1stplace winners: Fitnexx monthly pass, Yourlife hoodie
  • 2nd place winners: Fitnexx monthly pass
  • 3rd place winners: Gift package

You can inquire about the prize and collect it from Eszter Molnár from Tuesday 28 February 2023 during working hours between 08:00 and 16:00 every weekday: eszter.molnar2@aok.pte.hu

Most Active Institute Winner (in proportion to the size of the institute):

  • Department of Behavioural Sciences

Their prize: Team building workshop. Eszter Molnár can inquire about the prize from Tuesday, February 28, 2023, during working hours between 08:00 and 16:00 on weekdays: eszter.molnar2@aok.pte.hu

Special prize: Institute with the largest number of employees:

  • Institute of Physiology (we will contact the department for the prize)

Costume Contest Winner: Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and the Double-Stranded DNA

Their prize: Team building workshop. Eszter Molnár can inquire about the prize from Tuesday, February 28, 2023, during working hours between 08:00 and 16:00 on weekdays: eszter.molnar2@aok.pte.hu

Congratulations to all participants!

Also, we would like to thank the staff of the Sports and Physical Education Center, the staff of the Strategic Marketing and Recruitment Office, and the participating students for their contribution to the successful implementation of the event! 

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